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Software as a Service (SaaS), also known as cloud application service is a software delivery model that allows a software or app to be accessed from any device with an internet connection and a web browser. A third-party service provider hosts the application and maintains the servers, database and the code.

From tiny businesses to large corporations, SaaS has become a go-to software deployment method.


According to Gartner, various forms of cloud computing are among the top three areas where most global CIOs will increase their investment in 2020.

What is Micro-SaaS?

Micro-Saas has become quite a hot topic for entrepreneurs who are trying to solve problems for a narrow target audience. A micro SaaS business or product focuses on solving a problem in a niche market, using minimal resources. There is no need for big budgets and investments. The business is usually operated by one individual or a very small team with a small but dedicated customer base.

Customers access the product or service by paying a recurring fee – typically monthly or yearly.

Benefits of Micro-SaaS

Micro businesses like micro-saas offer benefits to both service providers and the end-users. Let’s explore the perks that come with a micro-saas.


Given the small and focused functionality, a micro-SaaS requires less effort and resources, and hence less time to build. In fact, an MVP can be developed in well under a week.


When it comes to upgrades, micro-SaaS rocks. You don’t have to worry about your customers running an outdated piece of software. Micro-SaaS is upgraded seamlessly inside the browser.


With no stakes from outside, the business is owned entirely by you. You make the decisions and you rule the roost. If you want to leave the 9-5 rat race, a micro-SaaS is a quick way out of it.

Location Independence

This is the kind of business that you can work on from anywhere. All the resources are cloud-based and accessible online. With the business up and running, it is basically fine without you.

Predictable Recurring Revenue

The subscription business model means – a recurring revenue model. As the revenue reaches a comfortable level, you have the flexibility to spend less time on your product and still make the same money or more.


Support usually takes a lot of resources in terms of time and cost. In a niche and focused market, support is easier to manage. Address problems by yourself or with the help of a very small team.

Ideas for Micro-SaaS

Here is a list of 10 micro-SaaS business ideas with examples. We made a special effort and listed ideas that make most sense in the current COVID-19 coronavirus situation.

1. Workforce Management

A trending SaaS software that enables organizations to plan, track, and manage the allocation of labor resources effectively. It’s predicted that by 2023, at least 95% of sales of new workforce management applications will be deployed in the cloud.

Example: FindMyShift


2. Billing and Invoicing

Software to create customizable invoices that can be converted to PDF or emailed to clients with one click. Save your customers time with recurring invoices. Paired with time tracking, it can improve productivity control in the business.

Examples: Elorus, Invoicy


3. Email Management

Email management software helps organizations manage their electronic correspondence and share timely updates with partners and customers. Email tracking and analytics provide you with actionable insights to support your email team’s productivity.

Examples: TimeToReply, SMTP2GO


4. Cookery & Recipe Software

Cooking is quickly emerging as a favorite activity of everyone during the lockdown. Chefs and restaurants are sharing their recipes and conducting live demos of popular dishes. An app that lets customers manage, organize, and share recipes is a very good business idea.

Example: TheCookBook


5. Journaling

Not everyone likes writing about the experiences they are having in their daily lives. People now have more time than ever to reflect on their lives. Software like Punkt makes it easy for anyone to journal their thoughts with a unique one-sentence technique.

Example: Punkt


6. Learning For Employees

Empower employees to activate the potential of their organization. A remote learning software with productive binge-worthy content will help employees thrive as they stay indoors. This micro-learning approach is more engaging and less time-consuming.

Example: Grovo


7. SaaS-based Grocery Service

There has been a significant increase in the number of people shopping for groceries online. Grocery delivery apps are now in demand more than ever. With a SaaS-based model, the deployment is very fast and easy.

Example: Deonde, SAAS Grocery


8. Training and Mentoring

Training apps provide ready-made courses for both children and adults. More and more people are taking up online courses to learn the latest skills and level up in career and life. If you’re an instructor yourself, earn money by teaching people around the world.

Example: TalentLMS, iSpring Learn


9. Analytics Solution

Web Analytics software enables organizations to track and analyze information of their website visitors. The advanced analytics information helps convert more trails into paying customers and generate more revenue for your client.

Example: Kissmetrics, Segment


10. Content Management System

A content management system has all the tools that are needed to create beautiful and optimized content for websites. A collaborative approach where content, design, and development teams produce a finished product is followed.

Example: Prismic


Building micro-SaaS

If you have made this far, chances are you’re looking to solve a specific problem for your customers or B2B businesses. Evaluate your idea with the following checklist. Read more about the Subscription Model and SaaS Business Model Canvas.


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How Much Does it Cost to Build a SaaS Product?